Our goal is to provide a myriad of resources for parents who are interested in promoting social justice. We will provide general information as well as articles, videos and tools on topics such as racial and economic justice, gender and sexual orientation equality, just educational, legal and public health practices, community accessibility, reproductive rights and evidence-based parenting practices that promote social justice.
5 Tips For Being an Ally
Great video from Franchesca Ramsey on how to be an ally (to advocate for a marginalized group you are not a part of)
6 Ways to Talk to Your Son About Male Violence and Healthy Masculinity
An article on how to stop the cycle of male violence by teaching boys to challenge traditional masculinity.
10 Reasons to Give Up Ableist Language
This article addresses the need to re-frame our language and to discard ableist speech which can isolate and add to discrimination against people with disabilities.
A call to do more than just be non- racist, but instead being actively anti-racist.
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person
This is a clean copy of the popular article by The Feminist Breeder (Gina Crosley Corcoran) on how to explain white privilege to a white person who grew up low income. While we would normally just give the link, oftentimes this article is dismissed because it was published in The Huffington Post so we made a plain text version. Please make sure to check the original post before using this document link.
How to Talk About Race
A guide to broaching the oftentimes difficult topic of race, adapted from the Annie E. Casey guide.
How to Tell Someone They Sound Racist
Video on how to call someone out for saying/ doing something racist.
Is Racism Over?
Video that breaks down common racist attitudes, systematic racism and explains white privilege.
Great video that simply shows clear wide spread instances of racism that impact black people on a daily basis.
Research- Based Evidence on Teaching Children Not to Be Racist
This article from the Atlantic contains steps on how to race children who are not racist. Some of these steps are counter intuitive to the way in which our society typically approaches race.